Support has been added for the new rebar_database.inp tolerance settings ExtraPointShortening, CurveTolerance, and MaxRadiusRequiringBending.Source data (COMMIT, UNDO_REDO, ROLLBACK) information is now added to the ChangeData class that is used in the OnModelObjectChanged() event.The RebarPropertyModifier object now has a new FatherPart property, which can be used to set the parent part for all rebar set bars that intersect the modifier.The new SetUserProperties() method has been added to the ModelObject class for setting multiple UDA values at the same time for a model object.If the model object is invalid or selection fails, the model object is not included in the returned model object list. The new FetchModelObjects(List identifiers, bool Selectinstances) method has been added to the Model class for fetching model objects based on an identifier list.The GetOriginalDrawing method was not getting the drawing type property correctly, which caused assemblies or containers to be left undrawn.The failed initialization of the Custom Part creation feature has now been fixed.The new RefreshManipulationContexts method has been added to the direct manipulation API for components and custom parts to clear and create new manipulators during runtime.