There are countless fuses to find in Superfuse, and rightly so considering that is the name of the game, so players should expect to spend time adjusting their skills to meet their personal preferences. Finally, Passive fuses are active at all times, but only for the skill they are connected to. Besides those two, I cant think of any 'non-diablo' style games that would fill that gap. On End fuses activate once the skill's duration has expired.

It is the 2nd edition of the series of The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing. Both Single-player and Multiplayer modes are available to deliver a better gaming experience. The ability of an On Kill fuse won't happen until an enemy is killed with the skill the fuse is attached to. The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing 2 is a Freemium, Action-Adventure, Role-playing, and Hack-and-Slash video game by NeocoreGames. On Hit fuses trigger when a skill lands a hit on an enemy. On Start fuses activate as soon as a skill is used. There are five types of fuses players will discover during their time in Superfuse: On Start, On Hit, On Kill, On End, and Passive. Each fuse comes with an ability that will change the skill it's attached to, whether it be by reducing the energy cost of that skill or even causing enemies to have an increased chance of dropping rare items when they are killed by it. Fuses have the ability to alter a skill in a specific way, which is ultimately what plays into the game's hyper-customizability. Early on, players will receive their first fuse. The best feature of Superfuse is where the game gets its name.